No, no conservatives don't get excited. I am not talking about the rampant falsehoods about Obama as in he isn't an American Citizen (how many more birth certificates do you want?), or that he is a Muslim (he isn't but why I would care which superstitious religion he pretends to believe like all other Americans?), nor that he is a Socialist (if you keep trying that one try looking up a true Socialist country, then you can see that A-we already are Socialist and have been in personal and corporate matters for 90 years, and B-making people buy medical insurance from the massively corrupt Health insurance industry isn't Socialist, its Republican). No, I am referring to the Con Obama is pulling on the looney Right. The most entertaining part is that Clinton did it to you all a decade ago and you're falling for it again. See the Republicans couldn't figure out why Clinton stayed popular despite the Monica Scandal (oh no, the President cheated on his wife!! Wake up, they ALL do.) Two reasons, the first is that the economy was rolling along due to higher taxes and so even though everyone bitched about higher taxes, they still had more money, that makes people happy. Second, he pulled a fast one, the Republicans wanted welfare reform, and all the bobbing head sheeple conservatives said "yeah, reform welfare, those bums!", until they realized Rush Limbaugh didn't tell the truth (has he ever?) and the GOP cut THEIR money and they got pissed and voted Blue instead. Its happening again and wow is the Democratic party going to wipe the floor in 2012.
You heard it here first. Its gonna be a slaughter. Obama is doing it on a much grander scale. See at first, being a true Blue and voting in earnest for Obama, and it pissed me off that he kept capitulating to the Republicans. First on the Health Care Act, then on extending the tax cuts for the wealthy, now on the debt ceiling. Until I realize he is doing exactly as I suggested the Dems do in earlier blogs, only doing it while avoiding catastrophe. Very shrewd. You see if there is one thing everyone agrees that Obama and company are good at its politics and campaigning. We haven't had a speaker like Obama in years (why is using a teleprompter a big deal? When was the last time a President didn't? Well W maybe but that doesn't count since he couldn't read). Starting in oh, March, when the campaigns start heating up (why is the GOP having primary debates 16 months before the election?) things are gonna be booty. The economy will still be stuttering because the GOP with its hard line on keeping the tax cuts and stopping Government investment, any economist knows that's how it works even if they lie to be popular to the conservatives (yes, we are talking to you Mike Rosen). So then the Republicans will try to do their same blah blah blah that hasn't changed in 40 years, except when they try to blame the Dems, they will be hung out to dry.
Obama will point out in his talented oratory style, that he passed the public option on healthcare and all he really did was make sure people have health insurance to reduce emergency room costs which are covered by taxpayers. It actually saves us money, careful, don't tell a conservative, complex thought unravels their alternate reality. Its taxes!!! they will cry, except Obama will say, "I gave you a two year extension on massive tax cuts despite our debt, that was supposed to create jobs and drive the economy." And then he will point out that all the rich did was horde the money (hey, so would I, but I wouldn't lie that it would start the economy rolling.) Finally it won't be what they say but what people feel. All the massive cuts from the non military discretionary spending is going to hit families hard, especially the middle class. And the debt will hardly shrink because without additional revenue from taxation or cuts in the 85% of the remainder of the budget (Military, SSN, Medicare) and so all the posturing will come down hard on the Repubs. People in this country are dumb, but more than that they are selfish. And when they realize they have no money, no prospects and no government benefits despite Obama caving every which way to the GOP, they will finally have to do what they hate. Admit that Rush, Hannity and O'Reily are just using them to get big contracts and aren't suffering at all while the listeners are dying a slow death, the whole GOP system will crumble. But that's what you get when you lie. Now sleep in the bed you've made.
And for the lunatics that keep harping about economics yet don't understand at all how it works, I will catch you up real quick (I won't do all the work for you. That's how you got in trouble in the first place, you have to think for yourself and realize rich propagandists and pundits don't tell the truth. They say whatever will hit your emotions.) So first off, higher taxes STIMULATES the economy. Its been true for 1,000 years and is still true now. When the government takes in more money is spends more, and that starts the multipliers. And many of the technological advances that fuel booms, come from government research and development. Actually other than drugs, and derivatives, it ALL comes from government sponsored research. Two, small businesses create jobs, not the wealthy, and that means lowering barriers to entry which means not letting businesses get too big to fail or get their fingers in too many honey pots. Sorry but its true, and if you don't see why, you really shouldn't pollute the country with your vote. Un-knowledgeable voters are very dangerous to a Republic. Finally, STOP GIVING REAGAN CREDIT FOR THE 80's BOOMTIME. For one, the boom happened after he RAISED taxes. Two, the boom came mostly from a near doubling of citizen consumption fueled by credit cards which previously were only accessible to the wealthy. But thanks to deregulation and the embracing of corporate profits from predatory lending that the GOP supports we expanded the economy by spending money we didn't have for goods we didn't actually need and that didn't gain value. You know, what the government spends money on now thanks to a decade of horrid conservative direction. Obama is just starting to undo this damage, get a clue and stop following the GOP who has zero concern for any of you. Start reading, you would be amazed what you learn if you teach yourself instead of being told what to think.