Unfortunately the media is calling the races for the House of Representatives for the GOP, not sure about who will take the Senate. I still at this point cannot fathom how so many people after two years of Democrat control they have done so poorly (control includes having the President so they don't get vetoed.) Well, I haven't heard a single intelligent argument. And if its true that EXTENDING not enacting the Bush cuts for the wealthy will spur the economy. But they are getting that money back now. So they aren't spending it now? Because they knew the cuts would expire so rather than behave normally they are hoarding it until Republicans get control? Then that means that corporations have complete control of the country. Think about that for a second. That means the Republicans are bought, sold and paid for.
That means declining wages and deteriorating working conditions. And that also means that your boss is now also your leader. If you work corporate and you have a CEO, think how much more they pay themselves. They are your leader. How long before they tell you how to live?
But the Republicans look to be getting control so all I can do is hope for the best. They can't repeal anything major since Obama would veto and they don't have the Senate votes needed. So healthcare will go into effect in a much bigger way, enough time to vindicate the Democratic agenda over the Republican agenda. So essentially nothing will happen for about two years unless it is really bland and completely middle of the road. That likely won't help the Republican cause and if things do pick up in the economy Obama will get credit.
It does like Colorado is still somewhat sane. Tancredo has lost and Bennett is ahead. Let's hope he hangs on. And thank goodness the conception amendment died. Really? Give personhood to a single celled zygote? Sorry, no functioning brain, no person. After that, we can talk.
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