Monday, May 9, 2011

The Debt Ceiling

    So the debate has finally moved from Obama's birthplace, to the debt ceiling.  Where the GOP has decided they need to pretend to care about cutting the debt and deficit to try to keep the Tea Party upstart from dominating their next primaries and destroying their hopes of unseating Obama and taking back the Senate.  At this point Boehner is stating that without cuts in spending of at least as much as the debt increase they won't allow it to go through.  First off, I know all the talking empty heads like Limbaugh and Palin will have fun for a week or so talking about how the Republicans "finally" need to take a stand.  Well, they have been complete obstructionists ever since they lost control of Congress in 2006, so there is no finally there.  Would it be the Republicans finally need to make a stand that only higher taxes and reduced military spending can get us there?  Haha, I know, the GOP could never stand to become a espionage and subterfuge military, they have too much desire to see explosions and charred bodies.  And we know they will never accept any taxes, Boehner has already said as much.  They are "not on the table".  Ok.

    If your reading this then you probably read my earlier posts so you know how I think we should go about reducing the deficit and debt.  Because unlike the GOP, I actually believe in a balanced budget, not forcing the Democrats to crawl back to even so the GOP can then get power and finance tax cuts through borrowing like they have for 30 years.  Now, I know we can never do it the way I want to since the Democrats are physically unable to stand up for some reason (except for Bernie Sanders, Al Franken, and Dennis Kucinich, thank all of you).  So here is the next best thing.  Call their bluff!  That's all, just call their bluff.  Walk in to the meeting with the GOP leadership, including that troll Cantor, and put a $2 trillion reduction on the table.  And make it pure blue.  Massive military funding slashes, mostly from the closing of overseas bases, especially in areas under no real threat of attack, and let them defend themselves.  Huge loophole eliminations in the corporate tax code, and massive reductions of subsidies across the board.  And close the Federal Reserve.  And make the Republicans take it or leave it.  No discussion, say this is the proposal take it or don't.

   They HAVE to raise the debt ceiling.  There is no if, ands, or buts. If they blocked it we could suddenly no longer borrow money.  We are out.  Bankrupt.  Our notes lose all value and the dollar plummets (and I mean a real plummet), and then inflationary pressures of capitalism would finish the deal and we would be out of debt in a few years.  We would also have no power, no military, no fire or police protection.  Even the agencies the States run would be worthless because right now the States are borrowing from the National government to stay afloat, while in debt.  We do need to work our way out and be serious about it, but this is a non starter.  The economy would be gone, we would turn into a third world country over 10 years.  Now, I do think even so we would get through it, Americans are pretty damn resorcefull when their backs are against the wall.  We still have ingenuity.  But is that really how you want to go about it?  Hoping for 10 years we don't get nuked without a military (although without our nose in everyones business, who knows, maybe they would stop wanting to get us)?  No one wants to be responsible for holding this bag and so no one will.

   Now, calling the bluff would be awesome, but I doubt we will see that kind of courage from the Blues, so us Liberals will go on dreaming one day of a Liberal Congress and Liberal President leading our country back to greatness like the great Liberal Theodore Roosevelt did.  But pretty unlikely.  So here is the second plan.  How about we eliminate the Republican party?  It really wouldn't be hard.  It's like the NRA, they are annoying and pointless, no Liberal I have ever met even for a second thinks eliminating guns is anywhere near realistic.  They want to remove semi automatic weapons and extended clips.  What could anyone need that for other than to kill people?  Oh, you need it to rise up against the government?  Good luck, ask Ruby Ridge how that works.  Now if Liberals really wanted to destroy the NRA, easy, everyone join and vote to outlaw guns.  Now they have to form a new organization and it would annoy them, but we hate to waste our time so we don't do it.  But in politics it would be easy.  Democrats should come out and say, okay, as the votes say we bow to public demand and will pass conservative legislation.  Then introduce bills that massively slash or eliminate social services.  Make guns not only easy to acquire but legal to carry on the streets.  Make income tax a flat tax in the lower teens.  Completely deregulate the markets and businesses.  Dissolve regulatory and federal authority agencies.  Put the majority of legal power in the states.

   Can you imagine what the country would look like?  The economy would become solid, that's for sure.  With no more regulations and without restrictions to how employees were treated marginal profits would skyrocket making the uber wealthy richer than whole continents, while most of the middle class would drop into the indigent class, but will show up to work anyway because the poor who refused would have no government assistance and many families would start living in abandoned buildings.  Medical care both basic and critical would be too expensive for the poor and education would become a luxury, not a given.  And with guns readily available and legal, most disputes, especially with so many more struggling just to live murder will skyrocket.  People would demand the Democrats be Liberal and they could rule for 60 years like they did in the 1900's after America's last bought with greed run amok and its aftershocks.  Of course in todays world, most likely the rich would pay off the Congress who would start reducing suffrage and be unremovable from their seats and it would be that way forever.  So the Dems really need to grow some balls and stand up now . . . . . oh right.  We're screwed.

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