Thursday, October 28, 2010

The American Voting Psyche

I will just come out and admit it.  My brain functions unlike 90% of people I have met in this country.  My brain always jumps to big picture and long lasting variables.  Probably why I enjoyed my Economics courses in college.  My brain only seems to operate along linear lines of logic.  As a consequence voting philosophy baffles me.  For example, how much do you know about the person running for your local representative or Senator?  Not much, and they never explain things.  Both parties are guilty but the GOP is insane in this instance.  "I am going to bring back family values", "I will stimulate the local economy", "I will slash over-spending", "I support the troops".  For all these questions, I ask, "how"?  Family values?  Really?  How do you legislate a value?  I don't think its possible.

And the wedge issues seem so stupid.  Gays!  How could you possibly care?  How does it affect your life?  And for those of you that say its a choice, no way.  Don't you remember when you showed up to school one day and for some reason you couldn't stop looking at a certain girl and didn't even know why.  At least when I was a kid we were pretty naive about sex and I just knew I wanted to keep looking at her.  Of course I ended up with a crush on her all the way through high school but I didn't choose to.  I didn't have any options.  So if you think its a choice and you made that choice to go hetero, then you are either gay or bisexual. I am not criticizing, again, I don't give a shit.  But if you made a choice to be hetero then you aren't hetero.  Sorry, but don't worry, you will then realize that they are just people.  Like Whites used to think of Blacks, once they realized they were just people Slavery became an issue of contention, amongst the intelligent and the ignorant.  How about the abortion issue?  Maybe you think its murder and maybe you don't but outlawing it just makes it more dangerous, and if the fetus does feel pain, it will probably feel more.  I would say we all have the same goal . . . as few as possible.  So lets make the other options more desirable.  Its all about incentive.

The next issue is the one that got me to write about the Psyche at all.  The National Debt.  I have heard countless commercials and all manner of conservative radio and Fox News(no seriously, they call themselves news) about how the Dems were so bad with money that they incurred a huge debt that our children will have to pay for.  Tons of people are listing this and the lack of jobs and weak economy as the top issues driving their vote.  What confounds me is that a mere 4 years since the GOP had control of everything and we went into a horrid tailspin.  The job market, the economy, the debt.  This is all from the GOP.

It is amazing how few people understand how a national economy works.  It takes about 20 months for fiscal policy to affect the economy.  Same with monetary policy but that is controlled by the FED Bank, which is a private bank, so you don't elect the members.  Though congress does have a say in the board members, Greenspan did a terrible job and he kept the job for years.  Some folks think the FED is there to control inflation.  Well, if they are then they are terrible because we have inflation every year.  That's on purpose folks, it is necessary to increase the money supply which increases national wealth if it isn't done hyperactively.  The FED is there to try to guarantee liquidity in the market.  That means they work to keep the lines of credit open and as loose as they can to encourage lending, which, again, spurs growth in wealth.  Sorry for the tangent but some folks don't understand what the FED does, or that it is owned by the wealthiest banking families of this country.  Here this might help:

"Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders."

– The Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s

Now back to the GOP.  They did massive de-regulation of the markets to keep their promise to their contributors and remember what that causes.  Deregulation caused Enron, the California Blackouts, the Sub-prime Meltdown, among other things that caused a Financial Crisis.  Current conditions are a result of this.  Deregulation is passed.  Sometime down the line it is implemented (few bills become instant laws.  After ratification there is usually a date the new law becomes applicable.)  Then the biggest businesses begin scouring the new laws to see where profits can be exploited.  Capitalism is great in many ways but regulation is critical.  Capitalism is like a nuclear reaction.  If you don't control it it will go off big time and you will be in trouble.  It is a great efficient engine but it will feed on itself and greed is the unstable isotope.

So after all the shit they caused that nearly crippled the nation (I doubt many folks realize how close we came to catastrophe.  The highly partisan House and Senate passed the TARP legislation very quickly with few rules.  You know why?  If credit stopped as it actually did for a few hours we would have gone completely under.  Complain about the bail outs if you want, we had to do it.  Because we deregulated to the point where there were no more rules about size or monopoly.  This caused Too Big To Fail.  And that is what it is really all about.   The GOP is very careless about money due to greed and that leads to businesses that can't fail without destroying the nation.  This is why they need to be broken apart.)  Now the GOP wants me to believe they can cure the problems the Dems can't?  Give me a break.  Obama said it pretty well but I don't remember exactly what he said.  Something akin to Driving the Car into a ditch, and after a tow truck pulls them out let them start driving again.  Where the Car is the Economy.  They did a horrid job before, they will do the same now.  Except now they say back off of businesses.  More?  Most of the rules are gone, and the smaller firms have seen huge tax breaks.

Last but not least.  This has to be brought up.  Youtube some conservatives from the Boom time with Bush.  They all howl for tax cuts because times are good.  Then it crashes and they say, Cut taxes because times are bad.  Do you see the problem with the logic?  Can't have it both ways.  You RAISE taxes in the good time to prepare the country for the bad times.  Just like you do in life.  Or how we should in life.  Though many of us don't.  I am not proud of the Democrats.  I am liberal and they are mostly center.  They are too wimpy, don't fight back, and won't go outside the box.  I am also not happy with Obama.  He should have shook up the whole works and pissed off the GOP something awful while they were easy to blame.  Instead he tried to be noble and work with them.  But the GOP isn't noble, they don't do what's best for the people, only what's best for money.  They are spoiled brats who throw tantrums to get their way, that is why the country keeps getting worse.

I know the Dems aren't miracle workers, but consider the alternative.  Eventually lots of more aggressives with run for Democratic office and things will get better.  Until then don't let the temper tantrum kids run the show.  Money will always be their God, it even says so on every bill.  In God We Trust.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thank You, George Bush, imported from Myspace blog

Friday, November 07, 2008 

Thank You George Bush,

Thank you Mr. President, thank you.  You were an atrocious excuse for a leader; fraudulent in your running of the economy, and elections; an incompetent protector and commander in chief; yet efficient and potent in your dismantling of the dreams of America.

I cursed your foolish decisions, small-minded values, nominal faith, and malevolence toward any American who didn't share your ideals completely.  You called us unpatriotic for not wanting to go to war with Iraq while Al-Queda was still in Afghanistan.  You told us to put our money in the stock market in a sad attempt to keep the financial sector afloat for long enough for your successor to take the blame for a diabolical set of fiscal policies enacted via the Reagan Revolution.

You inspire no confidence, show no strength, lack impressive oratory ability and abused the trust of your supporters.  Finally, but certainly not least important, you failed to heed the advice of experts in the fields of engineering and meteorology and watched a city flood; and failed to protect or avenge the terror inspired death of 3000+ of our fellow citizens, or take advantage of the opening September 11th brought for America to mend ties and strengthen alliances across the globe with humility and graciousness.

But they say God does everything for a reason, though sometimes it is very difficult to see why.  That friend you met, who crossed you only to set you on a path to meeting the woman of your dreams, or open the door to a dream career.  And now we know why God let you win two questionable elections, bring war and hatred throughout the Globe, sequester the liberty of your citizenry, and make many of us wonder what made it great to be an American, and what legacy to our decedents would be.  Now we know.

We know we had to be brought to our knees, to question our sanity and endure a long period of true neo-conservative ideals.  We lost our buying power, our moral and front-runner standing in the World, and watched as we whittled down our exporting business to  . . . .debt.  We took in all, not always in stride to get us where we needed to be.

And finally the light showed through the facade of the Republican National Party.  Weak, uninspired, fraudulent, devious, nasty and soulless.  Your true form forcibly exposed due to your desire to extinguish the light of America.  The burning beam of liberty, democracy, and the right to a life better than the one you were handed.  The people awoke, the people stirred, and they showed up.  To the tune of 130 million individual, free-thinking, hard-working folks; America decided to take the power back.

A solid majority of Democrats in the house, and actual majority in the Senate and a serious and solid ticket for the White House are to be swept into power by a Blue Tidal Wave.  The People have seen what a Republican World is, and have rejected it in a resounding fashion.  Will it be enough?  It is impossible for us to say and fun but unreliable to ponder.  Once again, we can only speculate.

But I am happy.  I find myself with a grin on my face, undeterred by a shaky world economy, a dying environment, or radical right wing desires.  I had an experience so unlike any I have felt before I don't even know how to savor it.  I feel like I have a leader, I know what it feels like to feel proud and honored about my future President.  I know how it feels to have tears in my eyes following a speech.  I am ready to sacrifice for Barrack Hussein Obama, I am ready to believe.  I feel like someone who matters IS paying attention to what is going on.  That someone else cares, that so many else care what our generation will be remembered for.  Is it really possible that we can turn it all around and be remembered as the greatest generation of all?  Yes we can.  So thank you George Bush, I really appreciate the roll you played, God bless you.


Marc Richard Faure

Open Letter to Barrack Obama imported from Myspace blog

Wednesday, December 10, 2008 
    A day of remembrance is presently in our path.  As we watched Barrack Hussein Obama take the oath of office I was once again vindicated in my vote, at least in my opinion.  To here a President speak once again with a powerful oratory skill is something I have personally missed.  I know the next four years will not be easy and we have a daunting task ahead of us and to have leader who speaks intelligently, poignantly and of a worldly presence makes me optimistic of our future.  When road blocks are laid at your feet, you have two paths open to you.  You can see a stumbling block or a stepping stone.

    Yes the path ahead is steep with many road blocks.  But all can be dismantled with the proper knowledge and care.  To at least be optimistic that we won't be lead into battle by what seems from all appearances to be a bafoon and that assumption that seemes validated considering the results, is one huge roadblock already overcome.

    I wish our President good health, luck and vision.  I hope that you approach this job with the same vigor and dignity at which you have applied to your life up to this point.  I feel a special human is needed for this time and I believe we are lucky that destiny, if not God, put you on a path to us.

    I hope your humility and strength inspire a wealth of strong citizens of the next generation.

   I hope your intellect and all encompasing respect from all, further promotes the cause of education and innovation in the minds of the American people.

  I hope your grace and fortitude encourage the emfeebled and disabled, to learn that any weaknesses you have been handed can be overcome by the power of your strengths.

  And most of all I hope the vision of you, on the hallowed steps of our beautifully decorated capital, standing firm and regal, and taking the oath of office to defend our constitution, our most sacred of documents, our most powerfull of ideals, our declaration to liberty, with your hand embracing the ghost of Abraham Lincoln, ignites a spark in the mind of any who feel that America can't offer to them all that America has ever offered to any, that they are incorrect in their assumption, and discard the chains of apathy.

    And thank you Mr. President, for being willing to serve us, when so many other more lucrative paths forked from your road.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tea Partiers, an open letter

To my Tea Party fans and friends.  I have a question.  Really?  . . . . . . . . . . . Really?  Have you heard your platform?

Do me one favor.  Grab a tape recorder, and say your platform out loud.  Now go to a quiet place, turn off Rush Limbaugh and Fox News and listen to the tape.  Then finish reading.

There now.  Don't you feel silly?  No, no, its okay, just promise to remember for at least a decade how pathetically ridiculous you were, and don't do it again.  Go ahead and demonstrate and protest, but do it for something worthwhile now.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Religious Nuts Make Me Laugh-Evolution

I am always astounded by the neglect of intellect and stubbornness without accountability of religious nuts.  This isn't a knock on faith or people with honest beliefs.  As long as your religious opinion reflects a good deal (or more) of suffering/meditating/contemplation that let you to your belief then fine.  That is the only religious view I will accept.  As in most facets of life it is the preferably stupid that cause most (not all) of the problems.  It is truly astounding that some intelligent folks, brilliant in many ways, are idiots when it comes to faith matters.

There are some simple outlines here to help those (or help you explain to them) how to use the fully functioning brains they have (even conservatives).  I am not going to go too deep into serious understandings of "God" here, that will go into a locked blog as serious revelation in those without the mental capacity to understand it are dangerous; think a nuclear bomb in a country with no formal education but lots of pissed poor people.

Evolution.  Is Evolutionary Theory correct?  One, remember that theory is a scientific term here, meaning accepted knowledge, not some random guess.  Theories can be proven wrong, and that is what science does.  Science eliminates the wrong answers to get you the right ones, it doesn't prove things, it disproves them.  That is for our simple folks, now try to keep up.  People of many faiths and religions and nationalities have worked to prove the theory wrong.  In all instances I know of the expiraments to disprove Evolution instead reinforced that the Theory is correct, hence its acceptance of knowledge in the community.  Again, that COULD change, but with so much effort to prove it wrong coming up empty, we ought for now accept the science.  Atomic Theory is the same way.  Do you believe it?  If not take a look at Hiroshima, Japan, they seem to believe it there.

 Back to Evolution.  Many zealots claim this is blasphemous and that God created the world in 6 days and rested on the Sabbath.  But I find it funny that they stick to such a silly time frame.  Could God do it all in 6 days?  Yes I suppose God could do it in 6 milliseconds, or instantly.  That isn't the point of why people like me don't lay any credence to the time frame.  What is a day?  For us it is Sunup, to Sunup again.  Officially now time starts at midnight but I am assuming that is a more recent decision.  I believe the Bible is powerful book with many important stories.  But I think they are more like the stories the Native American Indian Tribes had.  I don't think they are really real but stories meant to bestow wisdom about life as a whole rather then documentaries.  I see more that the 6 days are 6 periods of creation.  The length is multi hundreds of millions of our years give or take.  They describe the periods of evolution.  First God created light, this seems a likely metaphor for the Big Bang.  An explosion that created something out of nothingness.  A spark that set all in motion, that sounds a bit better for a Supreme Being.

Then other periods followed.  The planets and other solar bodies formed.  Geologic forces create land and water, oxygen and nitrogen.  The planet cooled and became temperate and flora appeared.  Flauna begins and goes through many mutations leaving us to the current time.  Evolution isn't over, humans will likely eventually develop anatomy to deal with newer environmental challanges and they will mate and spread the mutation that will win out with dominant genes and a newer more evolved human will be the norm.  Of course this is a very lengthy process and will happen long after our great great great great great great grandchildren are dead.

Ok, next is to answer a question that I have heard on TV, radio and in print and can't believe is even out there.  "If man came from monkeys then how come there are still monkeys?" or some variation.  Ok, this is simply a symptom of ignorance and I will lay it out in more simple terms then it really is but if you want that go get books on zoology and evolutionary biology.  Anyway it goes like this.  You make a chart that is a like a family tree but is more in pyramid form.  Remember, this is very simplified but you should get the idea.  On the very top in the very middle we put a single cell organism like an amoeba.  Now this next jump is too much but we are keeping it simple.  So under the Amoeba you have two categories that evolve.  On the left you have vertebrates and on the right you have invertebrates.  Now we go to under the invertebrates.  two lines, incects and worms and so one to all the bugs you see.  Under the vertebrates you have 4 lines, mammals, fish, birds, reptiles.  Now lets go straight to the mammals and you have land, sea, and air mammals.  from Land Mammals we break down into Ape-monkey like ancestor and the rest go under line two.

Now another new pyramid under Ape-monkey ancestor.  I am not sure if its been determined what this species is or if we have yet to find record.  Not all carcases leave fossils so it can be hard to fill in every hole. But there was a species at the top of that chain.  That ancestor had mutation and two groups formed.  Apes side and Monkey side.  The monkey side broke down into all the monkey you see that have tails.  The Ape side walks more bipedal and doesn't have tails.  The Ape side begins to split more as different environments and breading (like with dogs) begin to separate different traits.  Eventually a few species broke off with less hair and larger brains.  These smarter species intermated until we had Apes and humanoids.  The apes differentiated down into the species of today.  The humanoids broke into multiple types that yielded sapians, Neanderthals, and Erectus.  The others died out and sapiens eventually got reduced forheads and jaws and the brains got bigger till we finally learned to pass down knowledge and human history really began.

Here is a simple drawing of the human side.

So you see we and apes came from a mutual animal millions of years ago. An we and the monkeys came from the same ancestor millions of years before that.  So we aren't the same thing but we have the same ancestor.  How do we know this?  Well for one thing we share 98% of our genes with Chimpanzees (an ape) and they are our closest relatives.  Does that mean we are Apes?  No they are a different differentiation.  There is astounding amounts of research and documentation that has brought about this theory.  And much of it was initially done to try to prove it wrong.  It always fails.

Now I ask you.  Much as in the big bang theory and the description in the bible of "Let there be light."  What is more likely God snapped his fingers and it happened, or he put in place an amazing process that lead to galaxies and our planet over billions of years?  I would think the latter sounds more likely considering how life works.  Nothing just happens, it all is built on preceding

So how about how we came to be?  Did God just say, I want humans and snapped them into existence?  Or did God start a beautiful process that over millions of years gave the planet a huge about of different plants and animals and finally humans?  Again, since I would consider of Omniscient and Omnipotent, the second path seems more likely.

Well, that is my thoughts about evolution.  Remember, viruses change all the time, that is why we aren't immune to them all by now.  Granted Viruses are exactly alive but they are genetic codes and they mutate often.  A snapshot of how it works.  We have many more genes and a much bigger genetic code but those simple gene viruses sure get us sick.  There is actually a theory out there, though not often discussed in public forums, that is very secular and pisses of religious folks but is purely scientific.  Which is that humans are a byproduct of our genes goal of surviving.  It is had for just a gene to be so they evolved complex outer structures to aid their facilitation.  Kinda wild but an impressive idea all the same.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Political Manifesto

Note:  This dissertation  is a continual document I will continue to edit until I have reached its apex, when I will run for office.  Current thoughts are subject to revision.

The system of government of the United States is relatively well done and served as a vessel for economic growth and enlightenment to the world.  But as our society ages, cracks begin to assert themselves in both our social and economic structure, which are closely related and mutually effected by each other.  At this point in time there are significant changes that must be enacted to bring our country back to its proper standing.  And no, I am not of the Tea Party movement.  I prefer actual ideas.

We should start with the proper fear of our forefathers and heed their ample warnings that have shown to be correct, as have a good deal of their principles.  Of course many of those ideas sprang from Kant and Locke, not exactly slouches.

Limited government.  This is critical and many espouse its importance, but few have any idea as to what a more limited government should do/be.  The number one problem is Federal control.  Many of our laws cause friction and problems due to their enforcement on National levels, but we have ended slavery, gotten minority and women's rights, and ended severe working hours and conditions.  So now we go back to State power.  Eliminate all powers not expressed in the constitution.  This can be done by adding an amendment explicitly stating so.  Then another amendment that states the National Governments responsibilities.  This list will grow a bit but for now:  Environmental Protection, National Security, Healthcare and Education, Infrastructure (piping, highway systems, internet bandwidth), National Disaster Emergency Services, and a Central Bank (government owned and controlled) that holds the sole power to print currency and control monetary policy, both executed only for dollar stabilization and insurance of liquidity, and a Supreme Court which is to settle disputes between states in court and to immediately review all national laws passed to assure constitutionality.

(I will break down each responsibilities individually)

A special section is reserved for Corporation regulation, which is likely to make my conservative friends boil over.  I am a believer in Partially Free Market economics.  In essence it is much like capitalism, and takes advantages of its stability and wealth creation factors, and eliminates its potent dangers.  The government shall employ an Anti-Trust statute on steroids.  As I state continuously more power will go to the states.  But the national statute will forbid the operation of multi or national firms.  All business will be contained within its states borders.  This insures constant competition for out of state or country clients.  This statute does not exclude franchises, but the franchise will be wholly owned by a resident of the state and will be free to enact its own policies.  If it is found to stray too far from its franchiser, it can break its connection and form a new business, ensuring constant competition.  This model is great for supermarkets, restaurants and many other industries which will ensure many competing prices and increasing wages to keep the system healthy.  (more coming)

Also important on the national scale is understanding the changing dynamic that shall occur.  States will become much more concentrated and majority opinions will form State laws or regulations.  This will facilitate massive migrations and people will go to states that keep like minded views and instead of fighting to change your state, you will go to states where the changes are more to your liking.  You like guns?  Don't worry, the second amendment will actually become relevant again due to the severly reduced military.

Alright, bed time, lots more to come, including the exciting morality issues and tax issues.  And an important One sentence amendment concerning interstate commerce. 10-20-2010