Thursday, October 28, 2010

The American Voting Psyche

I will just come out and admit it.  My brain functions unlike 90% of people I have met in this country.  My brain always jumps to big picture and long lasting variables.  Probably why I enjoyed my Economics courses in college.  My brain only seems to operate along linear lines of logic.  As a consequence voting philosophy baffles me.  For example, how much do you know about the person running for your local representative or Senator?  Not much, and they never explain things.  Both parties are guilty but the GOP is insane in this instance.  "I am going to bring back family values", "I will stimulate the local economy", "I will slash over-spending", "I support the troops".  For all these questions, I ask, "how"?  Family values?  Really?  How do you legislate a value?  I don't think its possible.

And the wedge issues seem so stupid.  Gays!  How could you possibly care?  How does it affect your life?  And for those of you that say its a choice, no way.  Don't you remember when you showed up to school one day and for some reason you couldn't stop looking at a certain girl and didn't even know why.  At least when I was a kid we were pretty naive about sex and I just knew I wanted to keep looking at her.  Of course I ended up with a crush on her all the way through high school but I didn't choose to.  I didn't have any options.  So if you think its a choice and you made that choice to go hetero, then you are either gay or bisexual. I am not criticizing, again, I don't give a shit.  But if you made a choice to be hetero then you aren't hetero.  Sorry, but don't worry, you will then realize that they are just people.  Like Whites used to think of Blacks, once they realized they were just people Slavery became an issue of contention, amongst the intelligent and the ignorant.  How about the abortion issue?  Maybe you think its murder and maybe you don't but outlawing it just makes it more dangerous, and if the fetus does feel pain, it will probably feel more.  I would say we all have the same goal . . . as few as possible.  So lets make the other options more desirable.  Its all about incentive.

The next issue is the one that got me to write about the Psyche at all.  The National Debt.  I have heard countless commercials and all manner of conservative radio and Fox News(no seriously, they call themselves news) about how the Dems were so bad with money that they incurred a huge debt that our children will have to pay for.  Tons of people are listing this and the lack of jobs and weak economy as the top issues driving their vote.  What confounds me is that a mere 4 years since the GOP had control of everything and we went into a horrid tailspin.  The job market, the economy, the debt.  This is all from the GOP.

It is amazing how few people understand how a national economy works.  It takes about 20 months for fiscal policy to affect the economy.  Same with monetary policy but that is controlled by the FED Bank, which is a private bank, so you don't elect the members.  Though congress does have a say in the board members, Greenspan did a terrible job and he kept the job for years.  Some folks think the FED is there to control inflation.  Well, if they are then they are terrible because we have inflation every year.  That's on purpose folks, it is necessary to increase the money supply which increases national wealth if it isn't done hyperactively.  The FED is there to try to guarantee liquidity in the market.  That means they work to keep the lines of credit open and as loose as they can to encourage lending, which, again, spurs growth in wealth.  Sorry for the tangent but some folks don't understand what the FED does, or that it is owned by the wealthiest banking families of this country.  Here this might help:

"Some people think that the Federal Reserve Banks are United States Government institutions. They are private monopolies which prey upon the people of these United States for the benefit of themselves and their foreign customers; foreign and domestic speculators and swindlers; and rich and predatory money lenders."

– The Honorable Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking and Currency Committee in the 1930s

Now back to the GOP.  They did massive de-regulation of the markets to keep their promise to their contributors and remember what that causes.  Deregulation caused Enron, the California Blackouts, the Sub-prime Meltdown, among other things that caused a Financial Crisis.  Current conditions are a result of this.  Deregulation is passed.  Sometime down the line it is implemented (few bills become instant laws.  After ratification there is usually a date the new law becomes applicable.)  Then the biggest businesses begin scouring the new laws to see where profits can be exploited.  Capitalism is great in many ways but regulation is critical.  Capitalism is like a nuclear reaction.  If you don't control it it will go off big time and you will be in trouble.  It is a great efficient engine but it will feed on itself and greed is the unstable isotope.

So after all the shit they caused that nearly crippled the nation (I doubt many folks realize how close we came to catastrophe.  The highly partisan House and Senate passed the TARP legislation very quickly with few rules.  You know why?  If credit stopped as it actually did for a few hours we would have gone completely under.  Complain about the bail outs if you want, we had to do it.  Because we deregulated to the point where there were no more rules about size or monopoly.  This caused Too Big To Fail.  And that is what it is really all about.   The GOP is very careless about money due to greed and that leads to businesses that can't fail without destroying the nation.  This is why they need to be broken apart.)  Now the GOP wants me to believe they can cure the problems the Dems can't?  Give me a break.  Obama said it pretty well but I don't remember exactly what he said.  Something akin to Driving the Car into a ditch, and after a tow truck pulls them out let them start driving again.  Where the Car is the Economy.  They did a horrid job before, they will do the same now.  Except now they say back off of businesses.  More?  Most of the rules are gone, and the smaller firms have seen huge tax breaks.

Last but not least.  This has to be brought up.  Youtube some conservatives from the Boom time with Bush.  They all howl for tax cuts because times are good.  Then it crashes and they say, Cut taxes because times are bad.  Do you see the problem with the logic?  Can't have it both ways.  You RAISE taxes in the good time to prepare the country for the bad times.  Just like you do in life.  Or how we should in life.  Though many of us don't.  I am not proud of the Democrats.  I am liberal and they are mostly center.  They are too wimpy, don't fight back, and won't go outside the box.  I am also not happy with Obama.  He should have shook up the whole works and pissed off the GOP something awful while they were easy to blame.  Instead he tried to be noble and work with them.  But the GOP isn't noble, they don't do what's best for the people, only what's best for money.  They are spoiled brats who throw tantrums to get their way, that is why the country keeps getting worse.

I know the Dems aren't miracle workers, but consider the alternative.  Eventually lots of more aggressives with run for Democratic office and things will get better.  Until then don't let the temper tantrum kids run the show.  Money will always be their God, it even says so on every bill.  In God We Trust.

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