Note: This dissertation is a continual document I will continue to edit until I have reached its apex, when I will run for office. Current thoughts are subject to revision.
The system of government of the United States is relatively well done and served as a vessel for economic growth and enlightenment to the world. But as our society ages, cracks begin to assert themselves in both our social and economic structure, which are closely related and mutually effected by each other. At this point in time there are significant changes that must be enacted to bring our country back to its proper standing. And no, I am not of the Tea Party movement. I prefer actual ideas.
We should start with the proper fear of our forefathers and heed their ample warnings that have shown to be correct, as have a good deal of their principles. Of course many of those ideas sprang from Kant and Locke, not exactly slouches.
Limited government. This is critical and many espouse its importance, but few have any idea as to what a more limited government should do/be. The number one problem is Federal control. Many of our laws cause friction and problems due to their enforcement on National levels, but we have ended slavery, gotten minority and women's rights, and ended severe working hours and conditions. So now we go back to State power. Eliminate all powers not expressed in the constitution. This can be done by adding an amendment explicitly stating so. Then another amendment that states the National Governments responsibilities. This list will grow a bit but for now: Environmental Protection, National Security, Healthcare and Education, Infrastructure (piping, highway systems, internet bandwidth), National Disaster Emergency Services, and a Central Bank (government owned and controlled) that holds the sole power to print currency and control monetary policy, both executed only for dollar stabilization and insurance of liquidity, and a Supreme Court which is to settle disputes between states in court and to immediately review all national laws passed to assure constitutionality.
(I will break down each responsibilities individually)
A special section is reserved for Corporation regulation, which is likely to make my conservative friends boil over. I am a believer in Partially Free Market economics. In essence it is much like capitalism, and takes advantages of its stability and wealth creation factors, and eliminates its potent dangers. The government shall employ an Anti-Trust statute on steroids. As I state continuously more power will go to the states. But the national statute will forbid the operation of multi or national firms. All business will be contained within its states borders. This insures constant competition for out of state or country clients. This statute does not exclude franchises, but the franchise will be wholly owned by a resident of the state and will be free to enact its own policies. If it is found to stray too far from its franchiser, it can break its connection and form a new business, ensuring constant competition. This model is great for supermarkets, restaurants and many other industries which will ensure many competing prices and increasing wages to keep the system healthy. (more coming)
Also important on the national scale is understanding the changing dynamic that shall occur. States will become much more concentrated and majority opinions will form State laws or regulations. This will facilitate massive migrations and people will go to states that keep like minded views and instead of fighting to change your state, you will go to states where the changes are more to your liking. You like guns? Don't worry, the second amendment will actually become relevant again due to the severly reduced military.
Alright, bed time, lots more to come, including the exciting morality issues and tax issues. And an important One sentence amendment concerning interstate commerce. 10-20-2010
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