Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thank You, George Bush, imported from Myspace blog

Friday, November 07, 2008 

Thank You George Bush,

Thank you Mr. President, thank you.  You were an atrocious excuse for a leader; fraudulent in your running of the economy, and elections; an incompetent protector and commander in chief; yet efficient and potent in your dismantling of the dreams of America.

I cursed your foolish decisions, small-minded values, nominal faith, and malevolence toward any American who didn't share your ideals completely.  You called us unpatriotic for not wanting to go to war with Iraq while Al-Queda was still in Afghanistan.  You told us to put our money in the stock market in a sad attempt to keep the financial sector afloat for long enough for your successor to take the blame for a diabolical set of fiscal policies enacted via the Reagan Revolution.

You inspire no confidence, show no strength, lack impressive oratory ability and abused the trust of your supporters.  Finally, but certainly not least important, you failed to heed the advice of experts in the fields of engineering and meteorology and watched a city flood; and failed to protect or avenge the terror inspired death of 3000+ of our fellow citizens, or take advantage of the opening September 11th brought for America to mend ties and strengthen alliances across the globe with humility and graciousness.

But they say God does everything for a reason, though sometimes it is very difficult to see why.  That friend you met, who crossed you only to set you on a path to meeting the woman of your dreams, or open the door to a dream career.  And now we know why God let you win two questionable elections, bring war and hatred throughout the Globe, sequester the liberty of your citizenry, and make many of us wonder what made it great to be an American, and what legacy to our decedents would be.  Now we know.

We know we had to be brought to our knees, to question our sanity and endure a long period of true neo-conservative ideals.  We lost our buying power, our moral and front-runner standing in the World, and watched as we whittled down our exporting business to  . . . .debt.  We took in all, not always in stride to get us where we needed to be.

And finally the light showed through the facade of the Republican National Party.  Weak, uninspired, fraudulent, devious, nasty and soulless.  Your true form forcibly exposed due to your desire to extinguish the light of America.  The burning beam of liberty, democracy, and the right to a life better than the one you were handed.  The people awoke, the people stirred, and they showed up.  To the tune of 130 million individual, free-thinking, hard-working folks; America decided to take the power back.

A solid majority of Democrats in the house, and actual majority in the Senate and a serious and solid ticket for the White House are to be swept into power by a Blue Tidal Wave.  The People have seen what a Republican World is, and have rejected it in a resounding fashion.  Will it be enough?  It is impossible for us to say and fun but unreliable to ponder.  Once again, we can only speculate.

But I am happy.  I find myself with a grin on my face, undeterred by a shaky world economy, a dying environment, or radical right wing desires.  I had an experience so unlike any I have felt before I don't even know how to savor it.  I feel like I have a leader, I know what it feels like to feel proud and honored about my future President.  I know how it feels to have tears in my eyes following a speech.  I am ready to sacrifice for Barrack Hussein Obama, I am ready to believe.  I feel like someone who matters IS paying attention to what is going on.  That someone else cares, that so many else care what our generation will be remembered for.  Is it really possible that we can turn it all around and be remembered as the greatest generation of all?  Yes we can.  So thank you George Bush, I really appreciate the roll you played, God bless you.


Marc Richard Faure

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